Chicago Booth School of Business | Groups


Who we are...

The JBSA welcomes members of all religious and denominational backgrounds, as well as members from around the world. Our goal is to strengthen the Jewish community at Chicago Booth by providing diverse and dynamic activities. We also strive to raise overall awareness of the JBSA on campus and build strong relationships with other faith-based student groups.

Social Gatherings

The JBSA holds multiple social events each quarter, where you can have fun and get to know your fellow members. Our quarterly Shabbat dinners are a fun opportunity to take a break from the busy week of classes and recruiting.  Previous events have included bowling nights, BBQs, and happy hours.

Cultural Activities

In the fall, celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with JBSA. In the spring, get ready to party it up with JBSA for Purim and enjoy a memorable seder for Pesach. We also observe Israeli Independence Day and other important holidays.

