Full-Time MBA Student Groups
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Email group officers
Mission The Adam Smith Society (SmithSoc) at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business is a student-run organization that operates in conjunction with the national Adam Smith Society, a project of the Manhattan Institute. The group invites noted business luminaries to Chicago Booth's campus to speak on a variety of topics regarding entrepreneurship, free-market economics, and other relevant topics of interest to the Booth community. Additionally, members of the Adam Smith Society receive exclusive invitations to intimate dinner events with speakers and also drive the direction of speakers who are invited to campus. There are multiple chapters of the Adam Smith Society across the United States at other prestigious universities and the Society offers a strong network of current and future business leaders to help inspire Booth students to achieve their potential within the business world.
Membership Benefits- Speaker series- Regional and national conferences- Professional chapters- Network of top MBA school chapters