The Graduate Business Council (GBC) is governed by the Executive Board (EB). The EB comprises of 6 full-time students elected as a slate by the student body. The EB consists of a President, an Executive Vice President and four Vice Presidents who cover different spheres of student life. The EB is overseen by the President.
The EB oversees the operations the GBC, ensures the progress and synergies of the committees, and maintains relationships with key members of the administration
The Executive Vice President and four Vice Presidents – VP of Student Experience, VP of Community Development, VP of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging, and VP of Professional Services – serve as liaisons advising on all GBC committees, without compromising the leadership of the committee chairs.
The GBC includes 40 elected Cohort Representatives. 2 Representatives are elected per cohort per 1Y and 2Y class. Representatives are voting members of the GBC general body. As part of the GBC, representatives work in different committees across many parts of student life at Booth, plan small and large events, and promote initiatives to elevate the student experience.
The GBC includes 20 elected Cohort Social Chairs. 1 Social Chair is elected per cohort per 1Y and 2Y classes. Social Chairs are non-voting members of the GBC general body. Social Chairs are responsible for all the cohort fun! Using GBC funds, the Social Chair builds our cohort's unity by organizing events and activities. Social Chairs also manage the operations of the Cohort Cup Committee.